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Law Office of
Joseph D. Elford

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Picture of Joe Elford
Joe Elford
Attorney At Law
Your Voice for Justice
25 Years of Experience
(415) 814-7803

My Work

The police search people without probable cause or reasonable suspicion and use excessive force. The Fourth Amendment is designed to prevent this.
People are also the victims of racial, religious and other forms of discrimination. Actions are available under the Civil Rights Act to remedy this.
Win or lose at the trial court and the case usually is appealed These are a sample of the appeals Joe has filed.
California’s Public Records Act is designed to ensure access to government records, so it can be held accountable. Some localities, however, do not abide by the requirements of the Act, which prompts litigation to compel them.
California’s marijuana laws have undergone significant transformation in the last fifteen years. As Chief Counsel for Americans for Safe Access, Joe litigated medical marijuana cases of all kinds and continues to work on cannabis cases.
All too often people who have finished long prison sentences must also serve minimum terms of supervised release. Motions for early termination are a way to finally get out from under the government’s thumb.

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